
Our production plant is located surrounding the petrochemical plant. We have the advantage of

raw material supply. Using the advantage of petrochemical resources, relying on the full understanding of customer requirements and the accurately application of the product function,

we will provide the most suitable products to meet the customers own needs.

We have the ability to help customers improve the quality and producing process. Quality, service, and value are the management idea of Junyichem. Let the customer benefit from our products and professional services. that is Junyichem's commitment.

While adhering to the principle of sustainable development Junyichem provide high quality chemicals and services in an efficient and responsible way create superior. value for customers. 模可离414





      新世纪是绿色环保的时代,我们也积极倡导“绿色生活”。公司所代理的产品大部分都是有环保认证的“绿色产品”。       MA6125E


(聚氨酯) 聚氨酯行业也是脱模剂使用量的大户,一般都会使用到脱模剂,如浇筑性PU产品,自结皮产品(如方向盘,门把手,变速杆手柄),硬泡PU(建筑保温,管道隔热,冷库隔热板,仿木,夹芯板)软泡PU(家具座椅,汽车地毯,汽车座椅,慢回弹枕头),PU鞋底,PU滤清器,汽车玻璃倒角,微蜂窝聚氨酯等。模可离针对这些不同的行业都有对用的牌号,通常溶剂型的MA2020E,MA2028,MA5002C,水溶性的717C适用于浇筑型PU,自结皮以及硬泡产品;软泡比较好的是MA6320A,剩下的行业可以有MAC715,MAC716C,MA1262以及MA1041与之配套。



McGee Industries, Inc., more commonly referred to by our brand name, McLube, has offered high-performance release agents, anti-tack coatings and lubricants since 1954. McGee Industries is comprised of the McLube USA, McLube Europe, McLube Asia, and McLube Marine divisions that work in tandem to provide solutions to manufacturers around the world. We supply our trusted formulations to customers in North and South America, Europe and Japan from our corporate headquarters outside Philadelphia, USA. McLube Asia Pvt. Ltd. supplies McLube products to the Asian Pacific Region, Africa, The Middle East and Eastern Europe from its state-of-the-art facilities in Asia. McLube Asia is a joint-venture established in 2000 with facilities in Mumbai and Nashik, Maharashtra, India and Shenzhen, China. McLube Marine supplies high-performance dry-film lubricants and eco-friendly polishes to boating enthusiasts, professional sailors, and Olympians around the world. McGee Industries believes in tailor-made formulations to achieve superior results and strives to be the industry leader in employee and customer satisfaction.MA6294M


(FKM) 氟橡胶橡胶优异的耐热性、抗氧化性、耐油性、耐腐蚀性和耐大气老化性,在航天、航空、汽车、石油和家用电器等领域得到了*应用,用氟橡胶制造的胶管适用于耐高温、耐油及耐特种介质场合,如用作飞机燃料油、液压油、合成双酯类油、高温热空气、热无机及其它特种介质(如氯化烃及其它氯化物)的输送、导引等,用氟橡胶制成的电线电缆屈挠性好,且有良好的绝缘性,用FKM做出的模压件,其突出的耐油性以及耐候性非常出色,但是脱模不是很容易,特别是过氧化物体系的FKM,MAC 1193就是为它而生。模可离414

上海君宜化工销售中心(有限合伙)创立于2013/11/19 0:00:00,是一家贸易型公司。公司自成立以来,以质量为发展,让匠心弥散在每个细节,公司旗下化工原料及产品|橡胶,炭黑|色母粒,弹性体深受客户的喜爱。公司将不断增强企业核心竞争力,努力学习行业先进知识,遵守行业规范,植根于橡塑行业的发展。在社会各界的鼎力支持下,经过公司所有人员的努力,公司自2013/11/19 0:00:00成立以来,年营业额达到人民币1亿元/年以上。

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